Sunday, July 12, 2009

and finally...........

I went to my mum and dad's house the weekend before last - and saw the quilt I made her - remember this - it has inspired me to do my own - It is so beautiful and a little bit vintage too.

On the way to my mum's house I found a vintage store in a little country town - I found the perfect house for these...............

Isn't it just beautiful - I have discovered that I love old tins and now it is my aim to fill it with buttons that I am collecting from thrift shops and old clothes!

And finally, I went through my stash and choose 20 of my favorite fabrics to do my very own quilt, I have been keeping these aside and adding to them here and there. I can't explain the feeling I get when I look at this stack, but it's really what all this crafting is about. I am not sure if I need to add any more to it, as I have used little bits of some of them to do some smaller projects - anyway its a start and now all I need to do is decide on a pattern for my quilt, stay tuned it will arrive, its just a matter of when!


  1. oh, so much treasures in a single post! the tin is lovely - it reminds me of my grandma's collection of tins :D
    and the fabrics for the quilt are gorgeous! do i spy a matryoshka right on top of the pile? *hearts matryoshkas*. can't wait to see how the lovely the quilt will look :)

  2. I agree with Lyn, these are fantastic treasures. Aren't vintage stores the best? I love the quilt you made for your mother, it's beautiful. Keep up the lovely work.
