Thursday, July 30, 2009

a "twirly for a girly" and my "to do list".............and yes the move!

Firstly, take a look at my work space - we are in the middle of packing and getting things organised for the move - it's not ideal but its what I have to work with at the moment - here's hoping that the space at the new house is a bit better!

I have finally found a pattern to do my quilt - it's only single size, that will be fine to start with for me. I had enough fabric in my stash to do the top - it's all cut and ready to be sewn - more of this later........

This is Matthew's quilt top complete - just a sneak peek - now I need to visit the Amitie Sale tomorrow (woops - next Friday (7th) - thanks Lisa!) and buy the the binding and back and then I can get this off my "to do" list finally, well then there is the quilting to be done so maybe I should not be so quick to give it a tick - anyway little steps.

I made this skirt from the very very easy free pattern - Lazy Days Skirt by oliver + s
Amelia loves it - I especially love the material which was a bargain buy from Spotlight.
I plan to make a few more of these for Summer, it took about an hour if that.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

and finally...........

I went to my mum and dad's house the weekend before last - and saw the quilt I made her - remember this - it has inspired me to do my own - It is so beautiful and a little bit vintage too.

On the way to my mum's house I found a vintage store in a little country town - I found the perfect house for these...............

Isn't it just beautiful - I have discovered that I love old tins and now it is my aim to fill it with buttons that I am collecting from thrift shops and old clothes!

And finally, I went through my stash and choose 20 of my favorite fabrics to do my very own quilt, I have been keeping these aside and adding to them here and there. I can't explain the feeling I get when I look at this stack, but it's really what all this crafting is about. I am not sure if I need to add any more to it, as I have used little bits of some of them to do some smaller projects - anyway its a start and now all I need to do is decide on a pattern for my quilt, stay tuned it will arrive, its just a matter of when!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

a couple of finished projects

I have been working on some projects that have been sitting in my "to finish" basket, don't worry there is still more to be done, but it's a start.

Another little doll for Amelia and this one has a little baby and a skirt made from some of Amelia's baby clothes. The baby is from a KristenDoran panel, that i finally started cutting into.

I don't know how she got herself into this photo but she did, she had to be included. She is away at the moment at my mum and dad's - gee it is so quite without her. It is our first away time, and I am missing her terribly.

This is Pongo, made especially for Matthew - i bought the fabric from Amitie on their sale day and have been deliberating for some time about what to do with it - well here it is. The pattern was from the Meet me at Mikes book. Nice one!

woops - there she is again!

I finally finished the Dolls quilt for Amelia. It did highlight that I do need some more practice with binding, but I was ok with the finished product. And on top of the quilt is a special dolly inspired by dearfii and her doll pattern in Homespun. I am very happy with her and plan to try some more.